Rating: Standard, low-end Roman coffee
I almost walked by the Rock 27 Bar Caffè without going in. I saw ‘Wine Bar’ on the big sign facing me and thought it was an ‘enoteca’. But then as I did walk by, I spied the huge four group Fiorenzato Piazza San Marco lever espresso machine, and, then also the Gusto Nero Caffè sign next to the bar’s name and said ‘what the hell’. Inside was quite an experience on shabby décor. It was literally falling apart, and it’s a place full of posters of rock stars and crap, and old pictures of Rome, and well, there’s an interior loft area with some type of theater balcony. Who knows. There were a couple of people in their 30s wasting away their live with beers and who knows what. Essentially, a cool place to hang out and be a deadbeat in. Not bad, and not a negative thing, we need a place like this every now and then. Gritty, shitty, and not necessarily crappy. Felt like this bar should have been in the Pigneto area of Rome.

Whatever, this is what I got served:

Presentation: Yes, nice cup. No stupid logo looking at me and trying to imprint itself on my soul. No water offered, but they would have laughed if I asked, as I’m sure coffee is only served with warm beer in this locale. Would have been nice!
Temperature of Cup: Yup, too warm.
Quantity: Short, I’m glad, if it’s going to be bad, it’ll be quick.
Temperature: Still darn hot.
Volume/Consistency: Thin, watery, runny, like a warm stale beer.
Crema: It was also thin, not persistent and honestly, couldn’t tell it even existed. Again, it felt like I had a warm flat stale beer in my cup.

Odor: What, and on top of it you’re asking for roses to come out of your… cup? Nope, not here. But instead, what we did have super dark roasted coffee smell. I’ll take it!
Taste: Well, it was bitter, cutting, and it wanted to right to rancidness, but surprisingly, guess what? I didn’t!

Overall: But yes, that’s all that I recollect from this espresso. That it was flat sharp, and not necessarily flavorful. I’m sure it could have been done better. But, here in this bar it was just enough that it was something to kick the stupid hangover out of you.
The setup: The machine, as you see, was beautiful. It was a Fiorenzato Piazza San Marco lever machine. And the grinder was a vintage Fiorenzato also. The coffee, is new to me, it’s called Gusto Nero Caffè. It’s a roaster that works out of Dragona west of Rome, towards the coast, it’s still in the Roman municipality, so a new roaster to add to Rome’s roaster list. I’m interested to see if I find any other places that serve it, I’m sure it could be a lot better than this.

Rock 27 Bar Caffè
Via Albalonga 19
00183 Roma
Tel. 06 7725 7099