Rating: Standard, mid-range Roman coffee
So in the north Rome, along the historic via Cassia, in the Tomba di Nerone neighborhood, there’s a bar that seems to have sprung up in the late 60s or early 70s that seems to be breathing it’s last breath. It’s called the Saraceno Bar Caffè. From the times when Saracen had different connotations, more positive ones than it might have for ignorant folk today. The place had a sign that it was up for sale. Its in a nook of run down supermarket and other whatnot stores. I walk in and two guys in their late 60s were there, humming their existence away. The locale had an air of old and withered in it. It was quite amazing, and really worth stopping in. As if time had stood still in the place since 1985 or something. The barista seemed to be cleaning up as it was almost closing time. Either way, he was happy to hand out a coffee.

This is what he gave me:

Presentation: Nice, short stout cup of Tazza d’Oro. With an older cup design. Water was served immediately without hesitation. All was good. The cup a bit beat up, but so it is. It fit the place. The cup didn’t fit he color of the saucer. The spoon was smaller than it looks. Had an interesting pointed end to it.
Temperature of Cup: It was slightly too hot.
Quantity: Short shot, probably half of an espresso. But not a ristretto still.
Temperature: I waited less than a minute to have it. It was good.
Volume/Consistency: It was thin, silky and a bit runny. But nothing bad, simply a light espresso. I expected heavier from the size of the shot, but not bad.
Crema: It was marbled, ever so slightly over-extracted (about 1-2 seconds though) and persistent. It was thin, and I felt it didn’t really add to the coffee experience.

Odor: Nope, none here!
Taste: It was smoothly bitter, very flat, and not rancid in any way. There was no real taste profile, just soft bitterness invading my mouth and coating it with a silky bitter oil.

Overall: From this brand I usually expect rancidness, here it wasn’t present. This is amazing because usually these old-styled cafes have uber rancid coffee from never-ever cleaning their machines. Here it was different this coffee was decent. Solid mid-level café. I sincerely hope this place doesn’t end up closing if it doesn’t find a buyer!
The setup: They had a E-91 Ambassador Faema espresso machine with a like branded and older Faema grinder. The coffee was Tazza d’Oro Caffè, the Pantheon based roaster that churns out uber dark coffee.

Saraceno Bar Caffè
Masci Luigina Riv. Tabacchi
Via Cassia 867C
00189 Roma
Tel. 06 3031 1075