Rating: Poor, too rancid Lazio area coffee
We’re still wandering around the south Portuense area, there’s just so many darn cafes that I’m still amazed. Well, the Larit Bar Caffè is one of those sleepy cafes that are run by somebody on the twilight of their life and takes everything with a slow calm pace. Maybe that’s why the coffee was so punchy. I walked in and the barista/cashier, owner was listening to an old lady’s discussion of the lack of pension payments or whatever it was, simply lamenting on the difficulty of life. As the soccer team in Italy that prides it self on ‘suffering’ to get by, that’s a big thing here in Italy.

Hell, this is what I got and give it a thought:

Presentation: Nice square on circle cup. Its an odd shape that I’m not sure if I like or dislike. It doesn’t matter. It was clean, crisp, and inviting. No water was given, even though it was dead silent in the place.
Temperature of Cup: Yup, I’m on a winning streak this week, extra hot everybody!
Quantity: I would say just right. On the mark.
Temperature: Lord all mighty help a poor sinner not suffer here! It was super hot still!
Volume/Consistency: Thin, cutting, whispy, thin, slicy.
Crema: It was light, almost paper thin, some bubbles, light, so maybe it was the particular mix of beans.

Odor: Very deeply dark roasted beans. That’s a plus that I could smell something… but is this what we’re really asking for when we want to smell the coffee in the morning?
Taste: Well.. how to start. I suffered, and suffered I did. I just gave up. It was very rancid, tasted like dirty water and simply was too rancid and metallic in taste to finish. I was afraid for the consequence I might have if I drank it.

Overall: It was simply a poor coffee experience. I wonder if the tank was ever cleaned, and if the water was filtered?
The setup: If I’m not mistaken this is Wega espresso machine, with a Mazzer grinder. The coffee was Crescenzi Caffè, they’re in the south of Lazio area, in Frosinone. I honestly can’t say I could judge their coffee as good or bad from this experience. I’m sure it’s quite good if properly curated.

Lerit Snack Bar Caffè
Santucci Rita
Via Enrico Fermi 7-9
00146 Roma
Tel. 06 557 1294