Rating: Standard, mid range Lavazza
So yet another café with the typical name of ‘Il Baretto’… or the small café. There’s three now I’ve reviewed, and I guarantee there’ll be another 20 more to add! This place used to be called ‘Vale Bar’ and was serving Portioli Caffè. But it seems that it’s changed owners and now, at least when I walked in, there was a young couple running the place. Thus, this 'Il Baretto' is clean, modest, and modern. When I walked in there was a friend of the couple who was very happy about having landed a job, and about making 1350 euros a month. As they spoke to him, and he spoke about ‘not simply landing a job, but knowing somebody’s cousin’ I had my coffee. They served it very politely and went about their business.

This is what I got:

Presentation: Yup, Lavazza. Ok, no problem, I have an idea of what it’ll be like. The cup was standard, the spoon very domestic and not fitting with the sleekness of the image I have of Lavazza in my head. While there was plenty of time to break me a glass of water, it wasn’t served. These folks are young, maybe they don’t know the custom?
Temperature of Cup: Good temp. No problem here.
Quantity: It was a short shot, and it was mid morning, so all the better.
Temperature: Good temperature, not boiling, the coffee wasn’t charred to death here.
Volume/Consistency: It was thick, very thick, yet very sandy, chunky and felt like the espresso was caked in coffee grinds.
Crema: Oily, uniform in color and also grainy, but a fine sandy texture. It existed for the whole duration of the espresso and added substantially to the drinking experience.

Odor: No real odor. No surprise.
Taste: Hmmm.. very very bitter. Stoutly bitter and surprisingly so. It opened with a bitter punch, gave way to a flat taste, and then the finish was very acidic.

Overall: Not necessarily a horrible espresso, nor a better espresso- a mid to low-end espresso. I’ve had a lot better Lavazza here in Rome before.
The setup: Rancillio espresso machine, an Astoria Jolly A grinder, and of course, Lavazza Caffè. I have a hunch that if the owners of this bar read this review, they’ll think I’m stupid crazy for giving their espresso this review. The espresso was typically ‘Roman’ in its extraction- but just around the corner there’s the Gran Caffè Oderisi that serves a typical Roman espresso, but simply kicks ass….

Il Baretto Caffè
Via Giuseppe Bagnera 71
00146 Roma
Tel. 348 985 7621
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