Rating: Standard, mid-range coffee
On a side street of from the Piazza Antonio Meucci and heading to the Viale Gugliemo Marconi, there’s the Marconi Caffè. It’s in this very working-class neighborhood and it has a very simple, straightforward décor which I liked, it wasn't gaudy, nor tacky. Just straight to the point like a 50s US diner. It’s got white tile floor, white linoleum counters, and some mirrors to add space to the place. It was clean, and there was a healthy dose of retired folk sitting in its chairs inside, and a good number of younger people waiting to go to work on its bar. The baristas seemed like a late 40s early 50s couple who were very talkative and upbeat.

Asking for a coffee got me this:

Presentation: Well, let me say that this wasn’t the coffee I got first, this was the second. Because the barista threw the first coffee away. She was about to give it to me, and after looking at it, she poured it out into the sink, and proceeded to pull a new shot for me. The first one was longer than this, so … I was glad. She cared about what she was giving her customers. The cup was fun, it was a light violet color and refreshing. The cups were all zainy colors that I liked. No water offered, but I felt like I could have asked for it without a problem. The spoon was interesting because it was really slender….
Temperature of Cup: The cup was warm, but not exceedingly. It was borderline too hot.
Quantity: It was a short shot, like I said, she intended it that way and I was happy about that.
Temperature: The espresso itself was also warm, warmer than I thought. Didn’t get burnt but felt like if I would have tasted the espresso immediately, I would have.
Volume/Consistency: It was thin, it was not oily either, yet it was silky and had a subtle consistency to it that wasn’t off putting – nor runny.
Crema: The crema was thin, not persistent, and didn’t seem to add anything to the espresso drinking experience.

Odor: There was an ever so faint smell of coffee. A big bonus in this town where not even the air is for free… uhmm.. the water is, usually if you find a water fountain in the older parts of town!
Taste: It was bitter, not rancid, but very flat in its composition. It was a very straightforward espresso.

Overall: It was an OK espresso. Thin, light, not offensive, and not complex in taste. It was a low to mid level espresso.
The setup: The coffee machine was a Vibiemme (VBM) which looks round and bubbly, but tends to be solid. The grinder was a Mazzer grinder, as it seemed, and the coffee was the northern Italian MokaSirs brand. I’m not a big fan of this but, this was admittedly better than I’m used to having form this brand of roaster.

Caffè Marconi
Di Gallaccio Loredana
Via Gerolamo Cardano 136
00146 Roma
Tel. 333 968 5699
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