Rating: Standard, low-end Roman Coffee
The Paolessi Bar Caffè is right next to the Ponte Sixto bridge, facing the Tevere and Trastevere. It has the feel and decor of a 1950s movie and the interior is quite cool to experience for this fact. The cafe area is quite small and just a little entrance space when you walk in. Bar itself is also rather short and it's designed for you to have your coffee and get on the move. The barista was very nice and the cashier as well. As usual, the was very little interaction with the people ordering the coffee, and they were busy chatting about life issues among themselves.

Asking for Coffee got me this:

Presentation: It was a small, new, square in circle type of cup that I like. It had a squarish handle and the spoon was a bit too big for it. No water was offered, but it was given to a german couple that walked up besides me after they asked for it.
Temperature of Cup: It was good, not hot not cold, dug it.
Quantity: It was short shot, the cup was small and I was happy with the size brew of the cup.
Temperature: It was also good.
Volume/Consistency: It was silky indeed, thickish, and grainy. Kind of heavy actually.
Crema: The crema was like the coffee, it was sandy, grainy, fun with its yin-tang two-tone (i.e. slightly over-extracted) color. It wasn't very persistent and was very thin.

Odor: Yes, this churning brew was giving out a warm, good smell of dark-roasted coffee.
Taste: Hm... it was very bitter. Quite punch in the mouth actually. It wasn't rancid, but so bitter that I couldn't abstolutely taste anything esle in this cup except a very pungent harsh tone.

Overall: As you see below, I couldn't bring myself to finishing it. It was just so negative in its taste profile that i had to leave it. It wasn't rancid, so I won't say that this is poor, but it was definitely in the bottom of the barrell for Roma coffees. I guess all the 50s decor, they still stick to the workingman's no frills tar-like coffee definition that was so popular back then... time to change no?
The setup: The setup had potential for more. They had a Royal Espresso machine Imola model, usually very nicely finished pieces and what looked to be a Faema or La Cimbali mid-80s grinder. Seen these in action plenty of time and can do quite as good a job as any mazzer, etc... but maybe the grinder blades were old? No sure. The coffee is one that I've only see at one place, ad the Gli Archi Caffè in Monteverde, it is a Roman based Berardo Caffè. What is interesting is that they were selling Hag Caffè, which is not a Roman roaster, and is quite a big distributor. This is what a lot of people serve as decaf here in Rome.

They had the coffee in a big vitrine and it was nice, in the quaint traditional italian cafe style of things. It went along with the 50s decor and style of the place.

Paolessi Bar Caffè
Fratelli Paolessi S.A.S.
Via dei Pettinari 44
00186 Roma
Tel. 06 687 5286
#PaolessiBarCaffePasticceriaPettinariOrma #HagCaffeRoma #BerardoCaffeRomarecensione #RoyalEspressoMachineRome #Faemaespressomachinerome #ThirdWaveCoffeeRomeItaly #CoffeeInRome #BestespressoinRome #Bestcoffeehousesinrome #Bestcafesinrome #BestcoffeeinRome #RecensioneCaffeRecensioniRoma #cafecoffeebarsreviewsespressoRomeItaly #EspressobarscafesinRome