Rating: Standard, low-end Roman coffee
The Rudy Bar Caffè – Caffè dell’Aracoeli (there’s two names on the front… so maybe a relic of past owners?) is right in the heart of Rome. Overlooking Piazza Venezia and the Church of S. Maria Aracoeli, a better location would be hard to beat. It was late in the afternoon when I walked in and the place was desolate. Not a soul in there except the barista guy, and the cashier lady. Both weren’t talking to each other and you could hear a pin drop in there. Interesting I thought, it was so loud in the outside with all the traffic, here it was calm and quiet.

Asking for a coffee got me this:

Presentation: It was a familiar cup, one that I like, and yet a bit off, the saucer was too big and belonged to a different cup. No problem, no water offered either. And the barista and cashier seemed awfully solemn for some reason. I tried starting up a conversation, but nope, no speaking to tourists they must have thought….
Temperature of Cup: It was very hot, I had to wait quite a bit before it got cold enough to have.
Quantity: It was a good solid espresso right on the mark.
Temperature: Aw! It was still extremely hot and I had to wait a good other minute before being able to comfortably drink it.
Volume/Consistency: It was thick as heck, sandy, rich, and nice actually!
Crema: Boy, look at this, dark-dark, cakey, and very persistent.

Odor: No real odor. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Taste: Well, here we are, it was bitter, very bitter, so bitter that I could not distinguish if it was rancid or simply pungent. It was extremely powerful and I don’t know why I simply couldn’t enjoy the intensity of this cup. It was so strong that I could barely stomach it.

Overall: The consistency was the best part of this drink, but that was it. It was so hot, and so bitter that it was really not pleasant. Maybe with a full spoonful of sugar it would have been a rich sweet conction, but as I take it-, straight up and black, no love.
The setup: They had a bare-bones La CImbali three group machine, with a like grinder. Enough to kick out a good espresso, and thick as sludge as it was here. The coffee being served is one of the ones I like, the roman based roaster GranCaffè Santos.

Bar Rudy S.R.L.
Piazza d’Aracoeli 15,
00186 Roma
Tel. 06 679 2153