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Rating: Standard, mid-range Sicilian Coffee

First things first, the Mizzica! Caffè Bar is really a café-pastries thin on the right, and then a Sicilian fast food eatery on the left hand side. It’s a long thin place that’s divided this way. Second, Mizzica! is what folks say when they want to cuss but are being educated, and instead of saying ‘Holy Shit’, they say, ‘Holy Crap!’ well… everybody knows what you really want to say no? The place is always packed, and while I didn’t have any of the traditional Sicilian food there, it all looked crazy fried good. People from the south of US would love this place. They deep fry everything here. The sweets, what draws me more, were great as well. OK, let’s forego all this crap, and go straight to the heart of the question.​

Asking for a coffee got me the chance to stand next to some very pretty young people, so that itself was a good start:​

​Presentation: The two baristas have a funny military-like look about them, dressed in dark brown, and dark brown hats… the were surgical about serving me the coffee. This is what I was served- It was a nice cup, smaller than it looks. It had a chip right where my lips would go (I imagined somebody chipping their tooth on that spot.. maybe when their lips got burned?!). The spoon was a work of art in balance, it was long, thin and sported a very small portion to mix the sugar in the miniscule space of the bottom of the espresso cup. It had a nice new logo I hadn’t encountered before and the cup was generally clean from what I could tell. No water was served, I was lucky to make eye contact with the barista as it was very busy.

Temperature of Cup: Good temperature, it was warm to the touch, but not scalding.

Quantity: It was a full espresso- full one ounce (30 ml).

Temperature: It was also just on the spot. I had been waiting first to pay for about 5 minutes, then another 5 to get the barista’s attention, so I was warm enough to not have the wrong impression about the temperature (it was damn cold outside that afternoon!).

Volume/Consistency: It was thick, I was happy. It was sandy in texture, almost syrupy, and had staying power. It really coated the interior of my mouth with an film that was pleasing. This was a coffee you can chew on.

Crema: It was dark, thick, grainy and persistent. Look at the two pix. It was elastic and definitely adding to the experience of the espresso.​

Odor: Yes, here it was, a super dark – blackness smell emanating from the cup. It was nice to actually smell this!

Taste: This would have been a very good espresso had the taste not been very uniform, flat and monotone. This is probably a ‘very good’ coffee for any run of the mill roman native that’s used to kick you in the teeth espressos (so common here). But it was simply extremely bitter, not rancid, just super bitter.​

​Overall: I was happy with it, but there were no sweet tones, no complex tastes that I’ve experienced with some of the best ‘traditional’ Roman espressos. So this is a mid to upper range espresso. Not bad at all for a joint that’s dedicated to doing tons of different things at the same time.

The setting: Nice isn’t it? Look at this! Two Wega Sphera espresso machines. Two grinders, a nice Mazzer and another monodose small grinder that I don’t recall the make of. The coffee was of course Sicilian, what else!? It is LoRe Caffè a Catania (Sicily) based roaster. Look at their webpage, seems fun.​


Sapori di Mizzica S.R.L.

Via Catanzaro 30-32

00161 Roma

Tel. 06 4423 6024



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