Rating: Standard, solid mid-range Roman Coffee
In the maze-like streets of the Colonna area of Rome’s down town historic district, you run into the Caffè dal 1899. Its exterior feels more like a throwback to Paris, or some other city, simply because of the red awning and little plants making the front-patio area seem quaint. Inside, however, you are greeted by a typical – quaint yet again – Roman bar. It’s got vaulted ceilings, wood paneling, a long bar and curious enough, some interior seating. The staff was somewhat disinterested in its clients, as they assumed we were all foreigners (probably right, but we’re paying their bills aren’t we?). Yet after interacting with the barista/family proprietor, they seemed to warm up a bit. Either way, the place was quiet, calm, chill.

Asking for a coffee got me this:

Presentation: No water offered, but the cup was clean, the spoon small and just the right size for the cup. It was in a small un-branded inverted cone cup that I like, makes the espresso small and to the point. The saucer had a gold lining so each espresso would have it’s special meaning in life…
Temperature of Cup: Yes, extra special hot. Just like they like it in Rome. Damned hot I’d say!
Quantity: A ristretto by any international standards, an ‘on-the-mark’ espresso here in Rome. I’m glad.
Temperature: The coffee was still very hot after I waited about a minute and a half. Too hot for my taste, but again, this is normal for Romans who drink espresso boiling hot.
Volume/Consistency: The temperature of the cup killed or probably made irrelevant any type of oil present in the espresso. When I drank it, it felt thin, runny, as if the crema as a lid on this watery liquid.
Crema: The crema was indeed quite thick and persistent. It felt like a little puck of cork on the espresso that lifted when you tipped the cup over to your mouth. It was a bit too sticky not helping the taste experience of the espresso.

Odor: There was a warm, nutty smell in this coffee, this was great!
Taste: It was a rather straight-plain faceted coffee. It was so flat in it’s volume that there was no real taste spectrum to explore. However, it was indeed nutty in taste which was a big bonus. It was not rancid, nor did it veer into that area in any way.

Overall: It was a decent and altogether not disappointing experience. It was a straight shot that was put together quite nicely. I’m sure that if the temperature would have been a bit lower, the espresso could have been given some room to breath and show some of its character.
The setup: They had a Faema E-92 Elite three-group espresso squirter machine with a Mazzer grinder. Decent and solid espresso. The coffee being brewed was Morganti Caffè, a Roman based roaster that I hadn’t run into before. It was quite decent here so I’m sure if it was brewed a bit better, it’d be quite nice. It made me want to seek out other establishments! At time of writing their website doesn't work.

Caffè dal 1899
Gorianto S.N.C.
Via della Scrofa 104
00186 Roma
Tel. 06 686 9552
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