Rating: Standard, mid-range Roman coffee.
Fortunately the Camerino Cafffè (yes there are ‘three’ f’s in the name) saga continues, here is a third Camerino that I’ve gotten to try and to compare how the same roast fares in a different condition. Walking up the via Portuense where it forks with Via Ippolito Nievo, you encounter this rather large Camerino Cafffè. It is a place that on weekends will see a lot of traffic but during the week it is pretty bleak. It has a long and large interior, and is totally decked out for the holidays. When I walked in it was super busy and yet the baristas made me feel that my order was important too. There were either three or four baristas manning the endlessly long bar (or a shift change was happening as I was there) as some baristas were going and others leaving. After the super good Magliana Camerino, I was a bit anxious to see how this sized up.

Asking for coffee (after paying at the register right next to the entrance) got me this:

Presentation: The cup was the standard Camerino one. Fluted (I like) short and very rounded edges. The spoon short, small and perfect for it, although it’s design is a bit dated. The espresso had been milked for another one (see the drip on the left hand side) and that isn’t always great in my opinion. No water was offered, but would have been given if asked (as it was given to others).
Temperature of Cup: It was good. I was glad!
Quantity: This is another positive, it was really short, a full ristretto by anybody’s standards. A decently sized espresso here in Rome.
Temperature: It was on the warm side of things. But still drinkable and not over the top hot.
Volume/Consistency: It was a light affair, not creamy, not sandy, not silky, water, but not in the runny dirty water sense, but simply thin. A bit flimsy if we need to qualify it.
Crema: It was thin, shinny, not grainy and not too hot.

Odor: No real odors here… not surprised either.
Taste: The taste was bright, bitter but not rancid, and flat in terms of spectrum of flavors.

Overall: Overall, if you compare this to the Magliana Camerino review, you’ll see it pales in comparison. However, it was a decent coffee, solid mid-range. It was controlled, good size, not rancid in any way and kept to the point and struttin’ its stuff. Would repeat it, but would be always disappointed that it’s not a bit thicker nor oilier as truly good Camerino Caffè can be.
The setup: They had the most popular espresso machine in Rome, two La Cimbali’s working it side by side. The grinders were also La Cimbali and of course the coffee was the propriatery Camerino Cafffè.

Caffè Camerino Portuense S.R.L.
Largo Alessandro Toja 5 angolo Via Portuense 96
00153 Roma
Tel. 06 588 1896