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Rating: Standard, mid-range Roman Coffee

With a name like the Number One Caffè, situated at the entrance to Trastevere, we’re dealing with a place that aims high. And that’s a good thing here in Rome. Walking in, I found a clean and rather newish interior. All decked out with light colors and silver contrasting with dark black accents. This is norm Roman chic, and it was welcome in this context as it was done with taste. There were plenty of sweet offerings to choose from, and well… let’s go straight to what’s really important here- the coffee.

Asking for the obvious got me the following:​

​Presentation: Nice clean cup, love the fluted shape. The spoon was a bit flimsy, but clean and quite used. It had a weird inverted fold on it that was fun to notice. Haven’t seen it before. No water offered, but they get lots of tourists here, so maybe that’s why? I’m sure they would have obliged. The glass counter top is a nice change from the marble ones so typical of Rome. The coffee hovers on top of the sweets begging you to not pay attention to the drink and buy something else.

Temperature of Cup: But yes, getting back to the coffee- the temperature of the cup was great, so far we’re approaching the ‘Number One’ coffee so loudly proclaimed in the cafe’s name.​

Quantity: Very good. A short powerful shot. I’m happy already.

Temperature: Good temperature, controlled. Not cold, definitely not boiling damned hot as it usually is here. We’re on to something.

Volume/Consistency: Here’s the first real test to past- it was light. Light coffee, thin, but not really runny nor watery. Simply a consistency that could pass through a thin space. It didn’t open and fill your mouth, but rather, sat like a thin layer of oil over your tongue. Nor was it silky.

Crema: it was light in color, thin, non persistent. Here it was related to the consistency of the espresso.​

Odor: Wow, yes! We actually had a fresh smelling espresso, the first in so so many espressi I’ve had! Actually, this was probably because the barista was grinding coffee right before she pulled the shot for my coffee. So it might have been a combo of freshly opened beans, and freshly ground. So simple, yet such a difference!

Taste: It was lacking in oils, and it was a light affair. It was bitter but not rancid, so this is positive. It had no taste spectrum, and the thinness of the consistency transferred itself to the taste. It was rather flat.​

​Overall: As you can see from the lack of oily rings on the inside of the cup, it was a thin espresso. It was controlled, not boiling, and decent. Repeatable and concise as a good Roman espresso can be. So it was not extraordinary, nor poor. We’re in good hands here. Not the Number One espresso of Rome, but in the broad main of things.

The setup: Yes, a setup that is one of my personal favorites. A nice three group Astoria machine with a like grinder. The coffee was Gima Caffè, which is a rather decent local Roman roaster. It usually doesn’t dissappoint.​​

Number One Caffè,


Viale Trastevere 247A

00153 Roma


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