Rating: Standard, lower-end Roman coffee
The Barberini Caffetteria Pasticceria is a lush, rich and rather hi-end priced place. It's got sweets that are to die for. The street window is carefully curated each week with the season and latest offerings. Each time I've past by this place I've not been able to stop myself from looking at the storefront and all the crazy treats. However, it's also got a coffee area that is always busy with people. So, since indeed in the name it declares itself a coffee house, I thought I'd spend my hard earned money on one of their coffees. Let's see what they do.​

Asking for a coffee to the very kind barista, got me this: ​

​Presentation: Water was served immediately, and the funny thing was that the barista didn't do this to everybody. Others asked and she kindly gave it to them. The cup was clean, a bit speckled by the espresso extraction, but all was there.
Temperature of Cup: Good temperature, I've been in luck these past couple of days with good cup temp.
Quantity: Nice nice suuuper nice short espresso. It was the afternoon and I appreciated not having to down a long espresso! One of the nicest shot's a la ristretto I've had in a while here in Rome.
Temperature: Good temperature. Not boiling, not killed, not charred to boiling death.
Volume/Consistency: Surprisingly thin. It was flat and not thick in any way. Not happy...
Crema: It was dark, reflecting the short extraction. It was thin, and not persistent. I was surprised. This told all about the coffee beans their roasting and their freshness (i.e. before being put in the airtight bag). Of course there's the dosing of the coffee in the portafilter, etc. etc. ​

Odor: Nope, coffee not smelled, just sweet sugar being cooked up in the facilities.
Taste: It was not rancid, but it was very bitter, extremely bitter bordering on rancid. It wasn't straight-out undrinkable, but had the temperature been higher, it probably would have given that impression.​

​Overall: It was nothing remarkable. I see a tendency of places that specialize in sweets to offer extremely bitter coffee. Its as if its the other half of the equation for a sweet/rancid experience!
The Setup: They had a brand new Faema that has digital control of each brew-head and can be dialed in to the milimeter. No excuse for sorry espressos here, except maybe if the Faema grinder isn't dialed in right, and also, if the coffee being brewed, Sau Caffè isn't toasted with care and attention to the life of the bean before and after it's transformation into a drink....​

Again, the interior is the traditional Roman mix of dark woods, marble, and brightly colored pastries. I've had their sweets many a time and man, they are indeed good. But the coffee, while not bad, maybe is better with sugar? That is after all, how 90% of folks here in Rome drink it!​

Barberini Caffetteria Pasticceria
Via Marmorata 41-43
00153 Roma
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