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Rating: Good, excellent, nearest thing to Third-Wave coffee in Rome

Next to the Martino Cafe in Isola del Liri (outside of Rome), this has to be the best surprise so far. The Tram Depot, a little stand on the Via Marmorata near the Pyramid (and the Ostiense Train Station) is a really wonderful coffee experience. Let’s see why:

Asking for a coffee gets you this unassuming, simple white cup:​

​Presentation: So let’s start, there was no water offered, but the folks were nice. I feel quite sure they would have offered if asked. At least the made me feel as if I was a friend… No logo on the cup, nothing.

Temperature of Cup: Cup was right on, not cold, not hot, even though it was a very hot day, the machine was on the spot.

Quantity: Very short shot in this quite large cup.

Temperature: It was just right, and the espresso was going good quicky!

Volume/Consistency: It was very silky, thick, but not sandy, and man… it started to envelop my mouth with flavor!

Crema: Voila, here’s the first hint for me this was going to be a great shot…Yeah, tiger striping.. .the first time I see in Rome… Is this really what I’m seeing? ​

​Let’s have a closer look…​

​​Yup, the sign of a usually terrific shot!​

Odor: Wow, yes, COULD smell something, I could still make something out in spite of all the smog being pumped out of the exhaust pipes of the passing busses, cars and vespas… could make out something akin to tartness…

Taste: It was good, very good. It was moving towards sweetness, and the taste of caramel. It was very strong as expected, but not rancid in any way. It was balanced.​

​Overall: Simply the best espresso so far in Rome. This is of course speaking from the perspective of ‘Third Wave’ coffee culture and this definitely approaches that.

So what’s the setup? The following:​

The coffee machine is had a label of ‘Espresso Italiano’ on it… it was a Classic E-61 based machine sporting two groups.​

The grinder was a Ceado E37S quite a nice beast and definitely helping get the best out of the beans.

Now, talking about beans… this is what they were roasting:​

The coffee is called San Rafael Tarrazu, and its roasted by Torrefazione Lady Cafè, working in a place in Northern Italy, between Bologna and Milan (near Piacenza). I’ll let you explore what they’re about by clicking on their link.​

In any case, what the folks at this stand (which sports tons of outside seating) are doing is terrific, by far the best coffee experience so far in Rome!! Thus, this is the first of all the cafes reviewed so far that gets the best rating possible! Do stop by if you’re in need of a good coffee fix.​

Tram Depot,

Fontana Maria Cristina,

Via Marmorata SNC [13]

00153 Roma


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