Rating: Standard, very good Roman Traditional coffee
In the San Giovanni neighborhood of Rome you find a nice espresso surprise. South of the Lateran complex of churches, and down the Via Magna Grecia you run into a lot of cafes, this one is ostentatiously called ‘La Roma Caffè, Italian Flavour’. So let’s see if the name holds any water….

Walking in you find a night-club like atmosphere. Of course this turns into a swank-lounge bar in the evening. At the back you have a lot of chairs to sit it and relax.

Asking for an espresso gets you this:

Presentation: No water offered, but once I asked they were very happy to oblige. The cup was clean, had a fun logo on it, we’re off to a decent start.
Temperature of Cup: Very good, warm, not scalding, great to hold in your hand.
Quantity: Short shot, the tendency with these rather large cups is to go long, here the barista held it short. I’m glad!
Temperature: On the warm side, but good. Sharply warm, but not cutting.
Volume/Consistency: Ah, great! thick coffee, good water to taste ratio, we’re getting a good Roman espresso here.
Crema: Dark crema, on the first half of the shot. Wasn’t too thick, nor did it have a lot of permanence, but it was good.

Odor: Dark roasted coffee, not French roast, but quite dark. No fruits, exotic vegetables or mumbo-jumbo. Straight coffee and decent at it.
Taste: This was a creamy espresso. It was bitter, strong, and actually good. It’s flavor was controlled and cared for.

Overall: I’m glad I ventured into this cafe. It was great Roman coffee. Their name held up and its really worth stoping by- you’ll get a really good traditional Roman coffee… in one of Rome’s coolest neighborhoods.
The setup: Two 2-group Faema Enova semi-automatic machines with a grinder that I couldn’t make out the make of. Might have been an older 1990s Faema grinder. Not the best setup I’ve seen, not the worst either. What shows is that the machines are dialed into the roast/grind setting their using. So simple, such great result!

The coffee was good, and they know it. I was surprised to find them advertising the blend they use. And hell, I would too if I was serving decent coffee as they are! They serve Caffè ElMokado this is a roaster working out of Ariccia, a small town about an hour south of Rome. So definitely a Lazio and Roman traditional coffee roaster. I’m glad to discover this one!

Here’s what the interior looks like.

They had a decent quantity of different sweets and sandwiches when I walked in during the late afternoon.

But by far, this was the best thing to have here, their espresso.

La Roma Caffè, Italian Flavour,
Dr Team SRLS
Largo Magna Grecia, 19B
00183 Roma
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