Rating: Standard, good Roman espresso
Here’s a nice surprise lurking right behind the walls of the imposing entrance to La Sapienza University. If you’re ever walking by there, there’s a good reason to stop by an have a coffee. Right as you enter through the main portal, on your right hand side is the La Cascina Coop Bar Caffè. It’s more of buffet or cafeteria, but the coffee is definitely not something that’s overlooked here.

Since you have to buy the coffee as you walk in, placing the receipt on the counter and asking for a coffee gets you this:

Presentation: No water offered, but the barista very kindly obliged when I asked her for one. The cup was in a semi fluted shape which I liked, we’re off to a good start!
Temperature of Cup: The cup was simply too hot. Not a terrific start after all…
Quantity: The shot was short, it was good.
Temperature: Given the time I had to wait for the cup to cool down a bit, the coffee was now at a good temperature.
Volume/Consistency: It wasn’t overly watery, but not thick. It was Ok, bordering on a little too thin.
Crema: Not too thin, it was probably 3 mm thick, and it was persistent and oily. I like this coffee!
Here you can see a silkiness to the crema which was a nice surprise:
Odor: It was dark roasted coffee, we had a smell, not fruity- but still something more than most Roman coffees.
Taste: Not bitter, strong, and a decently good coffee.

Overall: Given that we’re dealing with a potentially horrible cafe catering to poor students and faculty, this was a good surprise. It was Roman coffee much better than a lot of other establishments.
The setup: They had a no frills Faema E72 4-group espresso machine with a very large grinder that I couldn’t make the make of.
The coffee being brewed was apparently Caffè A. Nannini a Siena based roaster-group that has Nespresso ties. Whatever, it was decent coffee!

La Cascina Cooperativa,
La Cascina Soc. coop., p. A. Bar Aldo Moro
Piazza Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Roma
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