Rating: Standard, normal Roman coffee
The Bebbo Cafe and Bar is one of the last coffee shops remaining to be reviewed on the Via Carini. There’s one or two others on this avenue and unfortunately most establishments have had quite bad coffee. So let’s see what’s being served here!

Asking for a coffee gets you the following:

Presentation: Voila, Santos coffee. Then, I’m getting used to certain quality. No water offered here…
Temperature of Cup: Super hot coffee cup- Not good…
Quantity: This was more of a triple espresso than a single, so not to my taste.
Temperature: The coffee was extremely hot, and I had to wait a few minutes for the cup and coffee itself to cool down.
Volume/Consistency: Once I was able to taste it, it was a bit water, of course… such a long shot dilutes all the first sirupy nature of the opening of the espresso shot.
Crema: Nice actually, dark and caky. Was nice!
Odor: No particular distinctive smell. It was almost non existent.
Taste: Here’s the positive aspect, it was not a rancid coffee. Because the volume was quite large, a long long espresso, the coffee was mild and bitter, and good.

Overall: I was happy with this espresso. It wasn’t the best, but it was a decent Roman coffee. A lot better than most of the other bars in this neighborhood.
The setup: They were serving Gran Caffe Santos, which is a traditional Roman roaster and sees lots of locales serving it. Some of my favorite places use this roaster. So this is positive. The coffee machine was a LaCimbali, and the grinder as well. I see this pairing of Santos coffee and LaCimbali machines quite often, so maybe, its a distributor’s package we’re dealing with here… who knows. It was decent coffee.

What was best of this place was the staff, very friendly and the cafe always has lots of local people hanging out in it.
Bebbo Bar Caffè, GI. MI. S.R.L.S
Via G. Carini, 43/1
00152 Roma