Rating: Poor, not the worst, but lots of better options on this street.
This locale, the cafe Il Tuo Bar, or ‘your bar’ seems to be always brimming with people. Most of the times I pass by this, there’s lots of life in its interior and people outside enjoying their morning or afternoon. We could say that by it’s popularity, locals like the coffee there.

Asking for an espresso gets you the following:

Presentation: Served with a glass of water automatically. Fluted cup was nice, helps keep the espresso short. All was clean. The glass of water shows that it’s been in the washer a million times. Good sign.
Temperature of Cup: Yet here’s the starting point- Super hot coffee cup. I had to wait over 2 minutes for it to cool down.
Quantity: Even though the espresso cup was small, the shot was rather long in it. I would have thought that 1/4 shorter would have been perfect.
Temperature: An almost scalding-hot espresso. What more can I say?
Volume/Consistency: Watery, yes I can say this, it was watery.
Crema: Yes, the crema was suprisingly OK. It was on the very light side, and probably 1 mm thick.

And…Didn’t seem to last very long in the cup:

Odor: The smell was one of burned ‘thing’. But it I must admit there was a hint of coffee somewhere there in the background.
Taste: Super burnt, bitter, yet not rancid.

Overall: This was a rather poor espresso. Especially in light of all the other great choices one has on this street. It was drinkable, and yet not pleasant.
The setup: A nice La Cimbali semiautomatic, with a like grinder. The coffee served was Saicaf, a coffee roaster based out of Bari on the Adriatic coast. We can’t judge if this coffee is good or not based on this espresso, it didn’t do any justice to it!

the cup-saucer combo was fun, interacts with the consumer. In this case, it was more interesting than the brew.

Il Tuo Bar, di Pischedda Marco
Via Fonteiana, 93-95
00152 Roma
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