Rating: Standard, excellent version of the Traditional Roman espresso
The White Bar and Cafe is located on the same street as the Torrazione Trio in the Monteverde area (Quartiere XII Gianicolense) of Rome. Its look is very sleek, very clean, very cool. If you look them up, they have an aperitivo menu, and there’s a side terrace that looks like a cool place to hang after hours. However, your first impression on walking in is that the coffee is important to the place and they show a professional attitude towards what they present. Looks promising!

As the facade shows, they’re very proud of brewing ‘Caffè Negresco’ this is a roaster that’s seen quite a lot in Rome, so definitely a local expression of a local coffee culture.

Presentation: Sleek, different, water served without asking, and the saucer plays on the cool-factor of the bar. I like it. Even the logo was placed facing me so I know what i’m drinking.
Temperature of Cup: Perfect temperature of the cup. Very warm, but not scalding hot.
Quantity: Nice shot of espresso, bordering on the ristretto, but very good.
Temperature: The shot was at optimal temperature, not cold, not boiling. The beans were squeezed through that portafilter under the right conditions.
Volume/Consistency: Quite thick, very nice, not watery, nor diluted.
Crema: Dark crema, even, thick, and reflecting the brevity of the shot. I like it.

Odor: Not very fragrant, I was surprised by this! No fruitiness either…
Taste: Strong and bitter, after letting the espresso sit in my mouth I could start to appreciate a bit of an aftertaste, but surprisingly opaque nonetheless.

Overall: Quite a good espresso. I would definitely return here. The coffee has been honed in by the barista, and coffee is at the forefront of what his bar is about. What we get here is his interpretation of Roman coffee. Puts hair on your chest, rips a hole in your stomach, and does the job at waking you up. I think what differentiates this bar from others is the quality of packing the portafilter and the shortness of the shot. These two factors, along with the espresso machine, give a rich and thick espresso. What was lacking were all the other possibilities of coffee. If this guy switched coffee roasts, he could have a really amazing bar to know others out.
The setup is part and parcel with the coffee. Like the “Voglia di Caffè” he’s got a non-Faema E-61 group machine. Wonderful machine for thick espressos. He’s got a 1980s Faema grinder with some ground coffee in the basket. Not the freshest approach, but the cleanliness of the whole setup and the barista’s general approach speak of attention to the espresso.

White Bar di Simone Caravello
Via Federico Ozanam, 86
00152 Roma
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